All posts by Le Parcorama

Six designers who make better merchandise than Disney

Over the years on the pages of this blog, I frequently complained about the lack of merchandise that I’d actually like to buy in theme parks. Shirts that I’d actually like to wear. Posters and art that I’d actually like to display at home.

Of course we can argue that it’s only a matter of personal taste. I completely agree. But in the meantime, too often I returned home with great memories of a fun day spent in wonderful theme parks, oh-so-ready to spend big bucks to bring something home from the countless gift shops but nothing in these oceans of merchandise items made me want to buy something. It’s not just frustrating for me: it’s also a missed opportunity for theme parks.

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Review: Shanghai Disneyland

Once in every decade approximately, Disney opens a brand new theme park resort somewhere in the world. It’s a big deal if, like me, you’re a theme park nerd. Well this new Disney park might be an even greater deal because the newest member of the Magic Kingdom family is located in Shanghai, China. You know, that city with 24 million inhabitants. Disney just opened a theme park on a location where 330 million people live within a three hour drive or train ride. But a great location isn’t enough to guarantee the success of a new venue, so Disney CEO Bob Iger spent big money to allow Imagineers to dream equally big. The reported cost of the entire resort, including a theme park, two hotels and a shopping district is a whopping 5.5 billion US dollar.

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Review: Helix at Liseberg

Loyal readers know I usually write about themed attractions on this blog. Immersive environments are what I’m seeking when visiting amusement parks. But today, I’m going to talk about Helix. A fierce rollercoaster that impressed me for another reason than a storyline, advanced animatronics and massive rockwork. And believe me, this reason is good enough to dedicate it an express Quality Control review. Put your lap bar on, here we go!

A few months ago I had the chance to visit Liseberg. This lovely amusement park is located in the heart of the city of Gothenburg, Sweden. Previously I’ve been sharing some love about Liseberg’s one of a kind, subtle and modern logo and visual identity they rolled out a couple of years ago. Make sure to have a look at it right here.

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My Top 20 Best Dark Rides in the World

A few months ago, The Los Angeles Times columnist dedicated to theme parks posted a Top 25 Best Dark rides in the world. Of course it wouldn’t be an online listing article if it didn’t include some divisive choices. And a lot of questions as well. Why it didn’t include hybrid dark rides like immersive water rides, free fall towers and rollercoasters? Why it didn’t feature the fantastic Spaceship Earth and Gringotts? And how is the half-baked Ratatouille ranked number 3, before Mystic Manor and best-attraction-in-the-world-Spider-Man?

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Must See: Amazing Fan-made Tribute to Star Tours

As the last original version of Star Tours still in operation shut its doors a few days ago at Disneyland Paris, Star Wars mega fan and creator Kris Van de Sande decided to turn his sorrow into the most amazing tribute ever done to a theme park attraction. If you haven’t seen it already, stop everything you’re doing and watch this brilliant project called Star Tours: Before The adventures Continue.

Kris spent a lot of time and energy documenting and capturing the essence of Star Tours, from the queue line to the exit, as it was in early 2016. His immense talent and passion show in the videos he created. Kris was kind enough to answer a couple of questions I asked him about such a massive project, but before we get to the chit chat and of course, the video playlist tribute itself, here is an amuse bouche: a special trailer that the nerdiest Star Wars fans will definitely be familiar with :

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Review: Baron 1898 at Efteling


Après des mois de teasing, Efteling, le parc à thème/trésor national néerlandais a ouvert début juillet un rollercoaster spectaculaire: Baron 1898. Plongeons-nous donc (haha) dans un Contrôle Qualité lui étant entièrement dédié !

D’abord, les faits: Efteling, ouvert 365 jours par an depuis quelques saisons à un objectif en tête: cinq millions de visiteurs en 2020. Ils étaient quatre millions et demi en 2014 d’après le TEA. Pour cela, le parc, dont le cœur de cible est les familles avec petits enfants, doit élargir son offre pour contenter également les adolescents et jeunes adultes. Et quoi de plus alléchant pour ce segment démographique qu’une bon rollercoaster bien intense comme il faut ?

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